About Glazing....

We offer four types of glazing with our framing including styrene, optical glass, conservation glass, and nonglare conservation glass to meet any need you might have.

Styrene (also known as plexiglass™) is the least expensive choice. It is very light weight but is scratchable and provides no uv protection from sunlight fading. It's perfectly fine for average use. You'll want to use a soft, damp cloth for cleaning when necessary. Never use abrasive or hash cleaners.

Optical Glass
Optical glass is slightly more expensive, but is scratch resistant and easy to clean. It's downside is that it's heavier,  breakable and provides no uv protection from sunlight caused fading. It's a better choice when scratching is a concern and the extra weight isn't a problem. Glass is easy to clean with a soft cloth and perhaps some glass cleaner.

Conservation Glass
Significantly more expensive, heavier, scratch resistant, breakable, provides protection from ultra violet (uv) lignt to prevent sunlight fading.Best choice when the art is displayed in rooms with significant sunlight exposure. Conservation glass is easy to clean with a soft cloth and perhaps some glass cleaner.<

Nonglare Conservation Glass
Most expensive option, heavier, scratch resistant breakable provides protection from ultra violet (uv) light to prevent sunlight fading. Does affect the image quality when viewed off axis. Best choice when art is displayed in rooms with bright sunlight causing distracting glare. Nonglare conservation glass is easy to clean with a soft cloth and perhaps some glass cleaner.